Check your energy prices

Checking your energy prices is easy…. And it may save you loads of money!

Compare home energy prices

This is a free energy price comparison service

By Switchwise®  |  UKPower®  |  Uswitch®

Your Postcode tells the calculator which regional prices to use.

Home energy customers – Millions of people already check how their prices compare, and they have switched to better prices. Once you’ve done it it becomes a regular and easy process.

But millions of other households are still not finding their savings and it’s so easy to do using any of the free links on our website. (more…)

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How to check your energy savings

Have you checked your energy savings recently?

If you’ve switched before, you know how easy it is to compare gas and electric prices and find energy savings.

If you haven’t switched before, try a sample to see what the potential is.

Only 3 steps to check energy savings:

  1. Click the link below to enter your postcode.
  2. Answer the questions about your current supply.
  3. Click the “See Results” button. It really is that quick!


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